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超音波花邊縫合機 Ultrasonic Lace Sewing Machine




  1. US-50機型可兼用2",1"寬度花輪,縫合面較寬之產品可選用US-75或US-100機型。

  2. 衣服蕾絲花邊加工,不生毛邊,不起皺紋,且不縮水。

  3. 操作時,不冒黑煙,不出火花,屏除高週波及熱氣縫合之危險性。

  4. 可以做異狀曲線及連續性直接點狀之熔接。

  5. 花輪採用合金鋼材,電腦製圖、雕刻、放電成形,精密度高、壽命長。



  1. Various Models for Chioce:Model US-50 for 2" & 1" wide rollers, and Model US-75 & US-100 for wider rollers.

  2. No Damage:No dissipated edge, no wrinkle, and no shinkage for suitable materials.

  3. Safety:No smoke and no spark. Preventing from the danger while high frequence or heat seal operates.

  4. Efficient:Be capable of continuous curve and straight work for efficient mass production.

  5. Durable & Accurate Rollers:Alloy material have the virtue of durability, and CAD sculpted rollers ensure the accuracy.

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